Introducing the Science Party
A Special General Meeting was held in Sydney last night to change the name of the Future Party to "Science Party". The constitutional change was passed unanimously with a great turnout of members and executive, both in person and by video conference. We are now the Science Party, and we are very excited.
"We believe that Science Party more clearly represents the philosophy and aims of the party. We believe that legislators should assess evidence, design and run legislative experiments, use mathematics and logic, and be willing to be proven wrong. These are qualities of scientific thinking, and what people want in parliamentarians." said Dr James Jansson, Science Party Leader.
"We have evidence that suggests that changing the name to The Science Party will have a positive effect on voter engagement with the Party and following on from that increased votes at the ballot box."
The changes to the constitution are effective immediately and we are already in the process of transitioning to the Science Party in all areas from contacting the Australian Electoral Commission, to social media platforms.
The Science Party has been working hard to represent a better future for Australia, through a detailed policy platform, and dedicated volunteers running in elections, organising the party and contributing regularly to senate inquiries, and this will continue.
"This name change does not change the policy, aims or principles of the party. We will continue to be a party with a broad policy platform," said Dr Jansson. "Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the process. Now let's push for a brighter future for Australia and win some seats."
Our next steps are to spread the word. We have engaged branding and communications specialists in order to help with the exposure. We think that the name change will have a positive impact on the discussion of science in politics and encourage people to get involved, volunteer or donate.
The Science Party is staffed entirely by volunteers. We don't take money from corporations, only from people like you. If you want to help us bring truth and honesty back into politics please consider a tax deductible donation today.
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