Pages tagged "covid19"

  • COVID-19: A Fatal Lack of Foresight

    The Science Party is calling for the establishment of an Australian CDC. Read the policy here.

    If you've watched Steven Soderbergh's 2011 film Contagion, you could almost imagine it as a trailer for 2020. Our heroes at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) struggle to contain a deadly virus ravaging the US and the world, wreaking havoc and sparking civil unrest in its path. Using contact tracing and widespread quarantine, and fighting wild conspiracy theories along the way, they develop a vaccine to halt the devastation.

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  • Masks to be made legally required under Science Party Eden-Monaro candidate plan

    Dr James Jansson has PhD in mathematical modelling of HIV epidemiology from UNSW and is the Science Party candidate for Eden-Monaro.

    Today I make public my call for masks to be made a legal requirement as part of the social distancing rules in situations where many people congregate together. This move is to save lives and save the economy. It will greatly increase most freedoms through prevention of spread of COVID-19. 

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  • The #BLM protesters can teach Australians about COVID-19 safety

    Mask use was high, making COVID-19 transmission risk low

    There's been a lot of outrage about attending a protest during an epidemic. While it is tempting to simply point out that shopping centres, parks and beaches were similarly packed on that day, there is something that the #BlackLivesMatter protesters did better than average Australians.

    They overwhelmingly wore masks.

    You should too, because they work, and could help us eliminate COVID-19. 

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  • COVIDSafe app should NOT replace your current COVID-19 response.

    A lot of people are promoting the idea of using the COVIDSafe app, but its efficacy is likely to be weak and it won't stop you from getting sick, only help prevent you spreading to others. Current hygiene, social distancing, testing and contact tracing are likely to be the most effective way to stop this epidemic.

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  • Recommendations 22nd March

    These are the Science Party's policy recommendations as of 22nd March, 2020. As the situation changes, so will our response.

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  • Social distancing is looking after each other

    In this video, our initial advice response to the COVID-19 pandemic is to look after each other by practising physical social distancing, and not to panic but to take this seriously as an unfolding public health issue of great concern. We will be updating our responses at the situation changes.

    thumbnail of YouTube video: Go Hard, Go Early, And Look After Each Other

    Video: Go Hard, Go Early, And Look After Each Other

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