Pages tagged "Health"

  • COVID-19: A Fatal Lack of Foresight

    The Science Party is calling for the establishment of an Australian CDC. Read the policy here.

    If you've watched Steven Soderbergh's 2011 film Contagion, you could almost imagine it as a trailer for 2020. Our heroes at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) struggle to contain a deadly virus ravaging the US and the world, wreaking havoc and sparking civil unrest in its path. Using contact tracing and widespread quarantine, and fighting wild conspiracy theories along the way, they develop a vaccine to halt the devastation.

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  • Electronic Health Records must work for the user

    The Science Party is a strong proponent of electronic health records, for their great potential to save lives and improve quality of life when used well. But this doesn't mean the Australian public should accept a high level of risk in return. 

    We've updated our electronic health records policy to detail some requirements around privacy, security and best practice.

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  • Our views on a narrow and oddly specific range of issues

    In the lead-up to the 'Super Saturday' by-elections (in Longman, Perth, Fremantle, Braddon and Mayo on 28th July 2018) lobby group GetUp! asked the Science Party about its stance on a few select issues.

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