Pages tagged "OPINION"

  • Sovereign Risk

    Chris Bowen has finally provided some certainty in Labor’s stance on stopping the Adani coal mine: “Not on my watch,” he said, fearing sovereign risk; as though it were the one political frontier we can never cross. But that horse has long since bolted.

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  • Transparent Government

    When we discuss good government, transparency is usually a feature we value. It seems the coalition also values transparency, but in a much more literal sense…
    If they make information invisible, perhaps we won’t notice their terrible actions.

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  • With a slight change of perspective, Australia could be top of the world.

    Nerds, Geeks, Try-Hards, Teacher’s-Pets... Australians have a lot of words to disparage those who strive to achieve.

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  • The X:Y Problem

    You may not know it by name, but the X:Y problem is a concept that I’m sure you’re familiar with. When your best efforts don’t seem to solve your problems, you may be in X:Y territory.

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  • Busting the biggest myth about spying

    I thought I would set the record straight about an ongoing myth in intelligence analysis. It goes something like this:

    The flaw in current intelligence collection systems is that they gather too much data to possibly go over.

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