Congratulations Australia - Early Success Against Border Force
Australians online and in the streets have destroyed the governments intention to have Border Force patrol the streets asking people "randomly" about their visa status. It took only a few hours for this weekend's operation to be cancelled, but it is far from over. We need to keep the pressure on to make sure this never, ever happens in Australia.
Here's what happened:
First there was the announcement.
Border force officers will be checking people's visas on the streets of Melbourne this weekend
— ABC News Melbourne (@abcnewsMelb) August 28, 2015
Within the hour, there were protests on the streets.
This took one hour to organise. Remarkable. #BorderForce
— Ebony Bowden (@ebonybowden) August 28, 2015
The internet was erupting in outrage
This is a disgusting use of the ill-conceived "Border Force". There are no borders in Melbourne. This is about the...
Posted by Future Party on Thursday, 27 August 2015
Then they had to cancel the press conference
Protests force border force to cancel press conference in Melbourne
— Guardian Australia (@GuardianAus) August 28, 2015
Then the Victorian Police cancelled the operation on this weekend.
Victoria Police has made a decision not to go ahead with this weekend's Operation Fortitude.We understand there has...
Posted by Victoria Police on Thursday, 27 August 2015