Five experienced political parties, each with deep special interests, are fusing to form something more powerful than the sum of our parts. A party determined to secure a safe climate and environment, a humanist society, and free culture - held together by science.
This fusion was initially driven by the 'Party Integrity Bill' introduced by LNP and supported by ALP and One Nation, that required minor parties to re-register with three times as many members. The Bill has turned out to be serendipitous - a catalyst for four distinct specialisations to merge and for Fusion to have a deep but far reaching policy platform.
We're fighting back — small parties are under attack, so we're becoming a larger party — broadening our membership base, geographical reach, and policy scope.
We are becoming:

A merger of the Science Party, Pirate Party,
Secular Party, Vote Planet, and Climate Change Justice Party.
Fighting the dystopia, corruption, and economic inequity of today’s politics, we bring our specialist focuses of the climate emergency, unlocking the future, free culture, and secular humanism to the fore.
Solarpunks, farmers, rationalists, doctors, climate warriors, artists, makers, teachers, activists, ethical hackers, community workers, culture jammers, extinction rebels, and public servants - all have combined to create a new light in the Australian political arena.
Fighting dystopia.
Fusing for a brighter future.
Fusion will create a bright future for all Australians.
Why the Science Party?
Our quality of life is improved by the continued application of reason, and by scientific discovery. The Science Party aims to increase opportunity for all individuals, and push society towards the pursuit of knowledge, for the benefit of all of humanity.
The natural and social sciences play vital roles in responding to major issues like climate change and pandemics, and approaching social and economic issues to create a secure future.
Only a party that respects science can implement the positive new ideas we need. United, we can form a government ready to lead.
Featured Updates
History of the Science Party Logo
Posted by Aaron Hammond · June 15, 2021 11:48 AM
On occasion, we are asked ‘What’s the deal with the Science Party logo?’
Is it just some cubes stacked together?
It’s more than that. It takes a lot of the things we value in the party, and condenses them into a single icon.
Australian Media & The Internet
Posted by Luke James · September 30, 2020 7:00 AM
In a welcome break from the stream of coronavirus news that has gripped us all this year, the media itself has become the focus of an emerging contest between Australian media outlets and online platforms of Facebook and Google.
COVID-19: A Fatal Lack of Foresight
Posted by Yotam Eren · September 22, 2020 6:00 AM
The Science Party is calling for the establishment of an Australian CDC. Read the policy here.
If you've watched Steven Soderbergh's 2011 film Contagion, you could almost imagine it as a trailer for 2020. Our heroes at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) struggle to contain a deadly virus ravaging the US and the world, wreaking havoc and sparking civil unrest in its path. Using contact tracing and widespread quarantine, and fighting wild conspiracy theories along the way, they develop a vaccine to halt the devastation.