Science Party NSW branch AGM

The Science Party NSW branch AGM will be held on Sunday 29 October 2023 at 2.00–3.00pm AEDT (Sydney time).

Please arrive at the AGM informed about the agenda. There will be online drop-in sessions (no RSVP needed) to discuss the agenda beforehand, e.g. what's involved in winding up? How do we decide who to give our funds to?

  • Sunday 22 October at 2.00–3.00pm
  • Monday 23 October at 7.30–8.30pm

To join the drop-in sessions and the AGM, click the button below, then click "Ask to join".

Click here to join online at the start time

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.


  1. Acceptance of previous minutes (see previous minutes: PDF or Google Doc)
  2. Annual financial report
  3. Discuss winding up as an incorporated association


  • The executive committee recommends winding up as an incorporated association.
  • Being an incorporated association is separate from being a political party registered for local government elections (see the register).
  • If we wind up, we must transfer all our assets (cash) to a not-for-profit organisation that has similar aims to ours.


Will you come to this event? Please enter your details below.