Things are getting exciting here at the Future Party. We have some big challenges and fantastic opportunities ahead of us in the short-term, and I need as many people as possible to join the online meeting (13th May 2015, 7 PM) so that we can get organised to achieve our goals. The most important things we are going to discuss:
Re-registration of the Future Party: We need to demonstrate to the Australian Electoral Commission that the party has at least 500 members. This will be quite an involved task of sorting through the members of the party and establishing which ones are suitable to be contacted by the AEC. We need a lot of volunteers with a variety of skills to be successful in maintaining our registration.
Collaboration with other parties: The Future Party is aiming to reduce duplication, increase effectiveness and increase the probability of election by working with other groups/parties with similar politics.
Branding: the Future Party is undergoing going a review to determine the best way to increase engagement with current and prospective members and voters.
Submission to the Tax White Paper: We've been working on the Future Party's submission to the Tax White Paper. We need help reviewing the sections that have been completed so far, and need to determine how we will promote the tax sections to our members and the community.