Response to the Christchurch shooting

Our deepest sympathies are with everyone affected by Friday's terror attack in Christchurch.

The Science Party condemns the violent actions of the shooter, and we commend the professional response from the New Zealand police and government during and after the attack.

We support the evidence-based call to not share the shooter's video or manifesto, and call on the media to refrain from sensationalism.

Our leaders must roundly condemn vilification of vulnerable groups. They, and we, must reject not only the flagrant hateful speech from fringe parliamentarians and media commentators, but also the more subtle nationalistic dog whistling found in Australian political discourse.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison condemned the statement by an Australian Senator who laid the blame for the Christchurch terror attack partly on those who were gunned down during prayer. This condemnation must now be followed with action in the form of ending anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric in the government's own electioneering tactics.

Casual use of the politics of division emboldens more extremist ideologies.

Now is the time for more social cohesion and inclusion, not more distrust and isolation.


If you are struggling to cope with the news, some advice and numbers of phone counselling services can be found here.


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