Special General Meeting - name change
The Future Party will hold a Special General Meeting on 28th January to vote on changing the party name to Science Party, by changing relevant aspects of the constitution.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM AEST
Thursday, 28th January 2016
Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW
If you would like to attend, please RSVP by email to [email protected] or on Facebook. If you'd like to attend electronically please email us no later than Thursday, 21st January 2016.
The motion on notice as written by James Jansson and Andrea Leong is as follows:
"That the Future Party adopts the new constitution that changes the Party name from ‘Future Party’ to ‘Science Party’."
Raised: James Jansson
Seconded: Andrea Leong
The proposed new constitution is available here. A copy of the current constitution with the proposed changes marked up is available here. For a discussion of these changes, please see this blog post.
Specific changes to the constitution
- That all instances of “Future Party” in the title and in §§1–2 are replaced with “Science Party”;
- That all further instances of “Future Party” (§§3–12) are replaced with “Party”;
- In §7.1, “A branch based on non-geographic criteria may alternately be referred to as a "wing". For example, "Young Future" may be a youth wing of the Future Party for members under a certain age” is replaced with “A branch based on non-geographic criteria may alternately be referred to as a "wing", for example a youth wing”.
Other minor changes
- In §7.2, “A branch must be based on an additional, fixed set of membership criteria” is replaced with “A branch must be based on a fixed set of membership criteria”.
- In §3.7 “This shall be taken by Party officers to be the members' address as recorded in the membership roll” is replaced with “This shall be taken by Party officers to be the members' addresses as recorded in the membership roll”. (typographical)
The Science Party is staffed entirely by volunteers. We don't take money from corporations, only from people like you. If you want to help us bring truth and honesty back into politics please consider a tax deductible donation today.
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