Science Party Vision
The Science Party believes that our quality of life is improved primarily through technological developments, sourced through a scientific approach to knowledge in the context of democracy and peace. Technological development is something that we can all be excited about and should try to accelerate. We, as a society and as individuals, should plan for the future in order to maximise the benefit we derive from our technological development. We see innovation, education and economic reforms as key to the success of Australia.
Read our full vision
Recent Updates
Science Party could save the government $157m with an experiment and a little maths
The federal government will run a plebiscite on marriage equality, which will cost a massive $158 million to run. Implementing marriage equality does not require a change in the constitution. In fact, most of such a change would only be undoing the Howard government bans on same-sex marriage. The only reason for running such a plebiscite would be to determine popular support, but this is the most wasteful way to determine support, and highly hypocritical of a government that routinely claims it is trying to cut government spending.
Introducing the Science Party
A Special General Meeting was held in Sydney last night to change the name of the Future Party to "Science Party". The constitutional change was passed unanimously with a great turnout of members and executive, both in person and by video conference. We are now the Science Party, and we are very excited.
Read moreWe’re thinking of changing to the Science Party: Here’s why
The Future Party will hold a vote at its upcoming Special General Meeting to change the party name to “Science Party”.
Read moreSpecial General Meeting - name change
The Future Party will hold a Special General Meeting on 28th January to vote on changing the party name to Science Party, by changing relevant aspects of the constitution.
Read moreReply to NSW councils
I received an email from the "Save Our Councils Coalition Committee" about council amalgamation. Below is my reply to their questions.
Read moreShould the Future Party Support Voluntary Euthanasia?
I think that it is time that the Future Party revisit the issue of euthanasia. The Future Party's current position on euthanasia is not fully in support of implementation. At the moment, we support the decriminalisation of texts talking about euthanasia and techniques that can be used to accelerate death such as those of Phillip Nitschke.
Read moreNorth Sydney By-Election: We Need Your Help
We’re running in the North Sydney by-election and we need your help. We’re handing out leaflets at stations in the North Sydney electorate from this week. We will be there between 7:30 - 9:30 in the morning.
Read moreLiberal's space plan contains no funding for space- ours does
Malcolm Turnbull has announced a review of the regulations governing space activity to stimulate the space industry. The problem is, it contains no funding for space research. We need funding for space to ensure that there is expertise retained in Australia. Without stable jobs, those in the space industries will continue to leave Australia for other countries.
Read more8 reasons the government’s cashless welfare proposal is a really bad idea
The federal government is considering introducing a cashless welfare system, with a trial to be run in the South Australian town of Ceduna. Cashless welfare is inherently discriminatory and generally just a very bad idea. There are a number of models, but they can be broadly lumped into two categories: opt-in, and opt-out. Opt-in would mean that only authorised outlets would be able to process the payments, whereas an opt-out system would force companies that provide undesirable services (such as alcohol) to register as not being able to receive such transactions. Opt-out is a better option, but it still has many problems.
Read moreWhy I have a VPN
Reddit user PrimaxAUS has stated several reasons why they use a VPN, and why we all should be worried about about mandatory data retention.
Read more
Malcolm Turnbull stop metadata retention NOW
Act now! Tweet to get Malcolm Turnbull's attention.
Malcolm Turnbull is currently in the position of endorsing privacy and democracy destroying laws, while simultaneously believing that they will be completely ineffective against preventing serious crime. The metadata retention scheme comes into effect on the 13th of October, which will see records of all your Internet-based activity recorded for two years.
Malcolm Turnbull: same government, different face
With the election of Malcolm Turnbull to the leader of the Liberal Party, it is important to remember what type of politician he is. Despite the fact that he openly mocked the ability of a metadata retention scheme to foil serious criminal activity, he still voted for this democracy harming legislation. He also voted to create lawsthat could gaol journalists for reporting on special intelligence operations.
He gave up his principles to vote for metadata legislation he knew wouldn't work, was bad for the rights of Australians and would harm Australian democracy. He'd do anything for this job, including destroy Australian democracy.
Photo credit: Eva Rinaldi
Free child care provides massive gains over the long-term
OPINION by James Jansson
In this article, I make the argument that free child care has a net benefit over the long-term that outweighs the financial outlay of providing child care, and that current calculations are misleading about their benefits. This is a discussion of strategy as much as it is rights, where the aim is to maximise outcomes for women in terms of equality of income. I believe that a move to equal outcomes for women, particularly when it comes to the workplace, results in utility gains not only for the women who are affected but also for the other members of society.
The Future Party Space Policy

The Future Party Space Policy has been developed to take the best ideas from the Australian Academy of Science (AAS) National Committee for Space Science (NCSS), who have studied it, and who know how best Australia can be a part of it.
The three core ideas of our Space Policy are:
- Create an Australian Space Agency, ASTRA
- The Woomera launch facility
- Adopt expert recommendations from the National Committee for Space Science.